Giving back to our communities
Our vision is to deliver energy with purpose. 当太阳2平台建设基础设施,将更清洁的能源输送到 world, we want to also help build an inclusive economy, 为每个人创造公平的竞争环境和充满活力的未来. With our vision, mission and values 为了指导太阳2平台,太阳2平台在员工所在的社区资助创新方法 live and work: Texas, Washington D.C., Central and Southern California and Mexico. We have adopted three strategic priorities that, together, can help advance social progress over time.
Building a brighter future for everyone
Supporting our communities
Across our family of companies太阳2平台的人才队伍致力于支持太阳2平台生活和工作的社区. All year long, our generous employees donate time, energy, 为帮助每个人建立更光明未来的事业和组织提供资金. Our values — do the right thing, champion people, and shape the future — unite and guide us.
Sempra Foundation, founded and funded by Sempra, 正在帮助墨西哥各地社区推进能源获取和减排.向位于下加利福尼亚州的非营利组织Fundación Mozcalti捐赠了100万美元. 这笔捐款使向社区提供清洁能源资产成为可能, including cleaner cookstoves. When completed, the energy projects are expected to benefit 40,000+ people in more than 60 communities.
Bringing solar energy to border communities
为德州和墨西哥边境服务不足地区的家庭准备的, 电费会消耗掉每月预算中不成比例的一部分. To help these communities, 太阳2娱乐平台基金会与太阳能电灯基金(SELF)合作安装太阳能电池板,这将有助于减轻能源成本上升带来的经济负担.
Advancing energy access in Mexico
Sempra Foundation partners with GRID Alternatives, 全国最大的非营利性太阳能电池板安装公司, to bring clean, affordable solar power to organizations in Tijuana, Mexico. Once completed, these projects will result in clean, 为接收组织节省可靠的能源和财政.
Keep exploring
Supporting our communities
Bringing solar energy to border communities
Advancing energy access in Mexico
Giving priorities
Climate action
Diversity & inclusion
Economic prosperity
One of our values is to do the right thing. This means we're guided by strong business ethics and are willing to stand up for what's right.
清洁的环境对每个人的健康和充满活力的未来至关重要. 从碳封存和重新造林到绿地和花园, 太阳2平台的目标是帮助创造更蓝的天空和更清洁的环境. 太阳2平台的愿望是帮助塑造一个人类对气候和环境影响减少的未来.
- Avoid, reduce, absorb or sequester carbon
- 恢复和/或增加绿地,特别是在城市社区
- Focus on nature-based carbon offsets, 比如重新造林,恢复重要的栖息地和湿地
One of our values is to champion people. This means embracing diversity and inclusion at the systems level.
太阳2平台知道,当人们被鼓励和授权去做真实的自己, it elevates performance. 当社区优先考虑这些原则时,就能推动积极的社会进步. 太阳2平台的目标是建立一个公平和包容成为标准的世界, 所有的声音和观点都能被倾听和欣赏.
- Provide training, education and expertise in D&1、公平、无意识偏见和/或文化能力
- 增加社区的参与和代表, 包括参与公民事务和决策
- 在社区内建立公平的制度和公平的竞争环境
One of our values is to shape the future. 当太阳2平台思考未来时,太阳2平台知道太阳2平台想要在繁荣的社区生活和工作.
对于个人来说,充满活力的未来往往始于就业和晋升的机会. 对于一个社区来说,它通常是从内部的计划、投资和增长开始的. 太阳2平台的目标是为社区发展作出贡献,并为所有人创造经济繁荣.
- Promote skills training and workforce readiness, 帮助他们为工作和职业发展做好准备
- 在投资不足的社区支持多元化企业的发展
- 提供工具、资源和指导,以帮助推进进展
Climate action
One of our values is to do the right thing. This means we're guided by strong business ethics and are willing to stand up for what's right.
清洁的环境对每个人的健康和充满活力的未来至关重要. 从碳封存和重新造林到绿地和花园, 太阳2平台的目标是帮助创造更蓝的天空和更清洁的环境. 太阳2平台的愿望是帮助塑造一个人类对气候和环境影响减少的未来.
- Avoid, reduce, absorb or sequester carbon
- 恢复和/或增加绿地,特别是在城市社区
- Focus on nature-based carbon offsets, 比如重新造林,恢复重要的栖息地和湿地
Diversity & inclusion
One of our values is to champion people. This means embracing diversity and inclusion at the systems level.
太阳2平台知道,当人们被鼓励和授权去做真实的自己, it elevates performance. 当社区优先考虑这些原则时,就能推动积极的社会进步. 太阳2平台的目标是建立一个公平和包容成为标准的世界, 所有的声音和观点都能被倾听和欣赏.
- Provide training, education and expertise in D&1、公平、无意识偏见和/或文化能力
- 增加社区的参与和代表, 包括参与公民事务和决策
- 在社区内建立公平的制度和公平的竞争环境
Economic prosperity
One of our values is to shape the future. 当太阳2平台思考未来时,太阳2平台知道太阳2平台想要在繁荣的社区生活和工作.
对于个人来说,充满活力的未来往往始于就业和晋升的机会. 对于一个社区来说,它通常是从内部的计划、投资和增长开始的. 太阳2平台的目标是为社区发展作出贡献,并为所有人创造经济繁荣.
- Promote skills training and workforce readiness, 帮助他们为工作和职业发展做好准备
- 在投资不足的社区支持多元化企业的发展
- 提供工具、资源和指导,以帮助推进进展
By the numbers
“有目的地提供能源意味着为太阳2平台所有的利益相关者做正确的事情:股东, employees, customers, communities and more. It’s what inspires me every day.”
Lisa Alexander, SVP, Corporate Affairs
Community giving across our companies
太阳2娱乐平台基金会目前正在为加州的能源获取项目做出战略性贡献, Texas and Mexico. The Foundation also supports employees by matching gifts 向符合501(c)(3)规定的慈善组织捐赠时间或金钱.
Across the Sempra family of companies, communities are supported in foundational ways. Giving at Oncor, SDG&E, Sempra Infrastructure和SoCalGas与太阳2平台的公用事业和基础设施公司的长期优势相一致, 为支持环保事业,太阳2平台提供了广泛的拨款, education, economic development, 应急准备、安全和其他优先事项.